VIDEO: Paul Ryan defended stimulus in 2002, when George W. Bush wanted it
Okay folks, Help me understand this. How a man boldly and unashamedly makes a 100% U turn simply because he is now seeking political office, wants to get power for himself and his party at all costs. I guess the stakes are that high? High enough to lie? Chris Hayes, very well dome. So we have Mitt Romney who was for universal healthcare, passed it in his state as governor, but suddenly Obamacare, built upon his state model is the worst thing to happen to America and now he is totally and completely against it, so much so he insists he will repeal it on day one if elected to the presidency. Dang! Just like he wrote a newspaper op-ed against the auto bailout but now he preaches that Obama did precisely what he had called for... The lying is unimaginable and unbelievable. But then here comes his running mate, Paul Ryan whom we thought was a nice honest guy, simply really conservative. Hey we can live with that can't we? But now, we ...