
Showing posts from August, 2012

VIDEO: Paul Ryan defended stimulus in 2002, when George W. Bush wanted it

Okay folks, Help me understand this. How a man boldly and unashamedly makes a 100% U turn simply because he is now seeking political office, wants to get power for himself and his party at all costs. I guess the stakes are that high? High enough to lie? Chris Hayes, very well dome. So we have Mitt Romney who was for universal healthcare, passed it in his state as governor, but suddenly Obamacare, built upon his state model is the worst thing to happen to America and now he is totally and completely against it, so much so he insists he will repeal it on day one if elected to the presidency. Dang! Just like he wrote a newspaper op-ed against the auto bailout but now he preaches that Obama did precisely what he had called for... The lying is unimaginable and unbelievable. But then here comes his running mate, Paul Ryan whom we thought was a nice honest guy, simply really conservative. Hey we can live with that can't we?  But now, we ...

Ghost towns in China? A country with over one billion people?

Five ghost projects of China Imagine that.

A question on records: Obama's Vs. Mitt's

I continue to hear Mitt Romney and several Republicans and also media personalities repeat the refrain, Obama cannot or will not run on his record as he cannot win with his record. Hence his only chance of winning is to make Mitt look like the bigger evil... I see! Indeed it might be true that Obama has not been able to get unemployment under 8% as he claimed he would do when the stimulus plan was passed. But is that the ONLY record his has? When I listen to the campaign speeches that Obama is giving on the campaign trail, it seems to me that he very much IS running on his record! Of course he is going to point out his differences with Mitt Romney, would you not do that if you were running? However, I do not see him "running away" from his record, not even the term Obamacare! Obama's Record  I was pleasantly surprised while listening to an address he gave to a crowd in Colorado, he indeed used the term Obamacare! Chances are he will refer to i...

Is this an expensive joke...

The report below is culled from the Thisday newspapers... Oga Minister, don't toy with Nigerians like this, the days of professor Pella are long gone! If there is one measure to which President Goodluck Jonathan will be clearly judged come 2015 will be the issue of improvements in the power sector. If the administration is not going to deliver on such promises, it should refrain from making such pronouncements. In addition such announcements mean NOTHING if the people do not certify the obvious and claimed gains in the power situation in their lives. So the claims being noted in this report require some forms of verification. That said, this is usually nothing to celebrate about, but in Nigeria, sadly, it is! FG to Raise Power Output to 9,000MW Minister of Power, Bart Nnaji By Chuks Okocha and Onyebuchi Ezigbo A statement from the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Public Affairs, which detailed the achievements of...

He's only human after all, he who is without sin...

At the start of the Olympics, swimming great and legend Michael Phelps took quite a media beating when he lost his "signature race" the 400 meters to Ryan Locthe. All hell broke loose on the media. Fast forward a few days later, Phelps is once again super human and a legend. America is now used to "super humans" in all aspects of our lives. Fareed Zakaria, has indeed created a highly respected and legendary reputation for himself as an intelligent global voice, and a highly respected journalist. Indeed what he did was inexcusable. Fareed will have to face the music as well as the consequences of his actions. Now we all get to wait and see what his fate will be from his employers at Time Warner. My plea is for the man who did the crime to be allowed to do his time, and resume continuing his great journalistic contributions that are badly needed in today's highly polarized world. He has been a great source of wisdom, and moderation when it comes to the affairs ...

What is in a name... $$$ I guess!

Initially, I said, now what!? Snoop Lion!!!? However, we have witnessed Puff daddy become P Diddy and also Prince become the symbol... right? Consider this, despite Sean Combs / Puff Daddy becoming P Diddy,  and now "Diddy" In 2012, Forbes lists Sean Diddy Combs as the second richest African American in the United States with an estimated worth of 550 million dollars!   So before you crack up in a second round of laughter as I am sure you did as I did, take a minute to realize what is in a name might just either be a key to ultimate success or more importantly have no negative effects on success... So if you have been toying with the idea of changing your name to Jonathan Killme Doe, you should know, it could grow, on people, might take you to the next level, maybe not heaven, but on earth, make you rich without dinning with the devil...!